Established in 1998 by thought leader Linda Dulye, Dulye & Co. is an award-winning, employee engagement and management development consultancy that originated the Spectator-Free Workplace™ where people stay, grow and positively contribute to business performance.

We stimulate engagement by injecting inquiry, feedback and multi-directional conversations into day-to-day communication practices. For many organizations, that transformation requires crucial adjustments in culture and leadership dynamics. Our holistic, Spectator-Free Workplace™ approach upgrades the people skills, processes and practices that create a connected organization.
We view engagement as the act of building shared ownership and accountability for what your organization stands for and must achieve. The catalyst for success is an informed and involved workforce empowered to speak up and thrive. Our unique approach builds team cohesion within today’s flux workplace of in-person, remote and flex schedules.
Front-line staff and senior leaders become partners through our disciplined Action Team Program. Guided by concrete tools and training, diverse, ad hoc employee teams examine critical factors draining morale, teamwork, fun or retention. Moving forward, they develop inclusive solutions that unite leaders and the front line to collectively implement. No longer spectators to change, employees partner with company leaders to create a culture where everyone matters.
There’s no game plan for leading in today’s three-dimensional workplace of remote, in-person and flex. The pandemic and lockdown quickly established an altered state for everyone, regardless of job or level. Leaders at all levels are facing astounding challenges in uniting geographically distanced team members, onboarding newcomers and rebuilding culture. They are being asked to be change agents, talent agents and stellar communicators.
Dulye & Co.’s one-on-one coaching programs help new, rising and experienced leaders gain perspective and competencies for demonstrating the values and commitment for people-first cultures. Our use of multi-directional assessments and shadowing provides concrete data for identifying developmental needs and customizing goal-driven plans to improve critical communication, collaboration and delegation skills. We conduct periodic checks to evaluate progress to growth goals, while keeping each coaching client focused and motivated.
Our team training programs lift leaders at all levels to ask more, listen more, guide more and let go with trust, purpose and authenticity. Designed for groups of 20 and high interactivity, workshops provide ready-to-apply tools and simple techniques that move employees to feel valued, understood and excited about their contributions to their work team, company and customers.
We create a highly powerful learning experience. The Dulye approach emphasizes follow-up beyond the workshop as a key success factor. Through personal action plans, accountability buddies and self-development resources, we offer support systems for management teams’ continuous professional development and collective transformation.
Our most popular training programs are:
- Conscious Connectivity: A Model for Keeping Teams Connected
- Never Lead a Bad Meeting
- Polish Your Personal Brand to Create Meaningful Connections
- One-on-One Leadership Coaching
We customize curriculum and exercises for in-person and virtual delivery. Our training programs emphasize follow-up and accountability by utilizing action plans, accountability buddies and on-demand learning resources that enable sustained self-development.

The rigor of regular team meetings to bring people together to learn from each other, provide support and rally around common goals is invaluable. Unfortunately, most practices suffer from antiquated designs dependent on one-way transmissions, drone presentations and a few dominant voices.
Our two-way communication programs elevate company cultures where feedback is a mainstay. We assess the effectiveness of current internal communication channels and the clarity and timeliness of key messages being exchanged. Study outcomes enable a customized solution for improving the use, quality and alignment of in-person and technology-powered platforms.
We emphasize the importance and power of human exchanges through staff, skip and all-hands meetings as the primary communication platform for connecting an organization, regardless of where people work. Dulye & Co. Spectator-Free™ techniques convert PowerPoint overloaded events into inclusive, inviting information exchanges that create positive experiences for all.
Additionally, we evaluate the purpose, use and effectiveness of secondary internal channels–including intranet, email, text, blogs, chats and newsletters–for rallying employees’ morale, knowledge and engagement. From evaluation comes integrated solutions that align disparate media to reinforce genuine communication and collaboration.
Our workplace communication programs give employees and leaders opportunities to actively contribute, candidly share ideas and form meaningful relationships.
We strongly believe that measuring the impact of engagement, team communications, knowledge exchange and team-building experiences in an organization should be an operational constant rather than an occasional special event. Annual assessments are simply obsolete.
Periodic evaluations conducted on our secure, online platforms make hard data about the so-called “soft dynamics” of the workplace readily available for measuring impact and making course corrections. Our pulse surveys ask the right questions about whether employees feel they can openly speak up, try new approaches and make mistakes–without fearing repercussions.
Whether your work group numbers 10, 100 or 1,000-plus, we efficiently capture, analyze and trend employee feedback in easy-to-interpret reports. We go beyond merely presenting results to providing customized action plans for communicating and acting on the data–strategically and swiftly.