Improve connections in your life with the Crusade for Conversations Compass that Dulye & Co. President Linda Dulye shared with Morning Drive host Shawn Serre on WTBR 89.7 FM and PCTV.
The duo navigated many trending topics in their 60 minute exchange–from the challenges of building relationships in the hybrid workplace to the stunted state of conversation in schools, offices and neighborhoods to simple actions that can overcome the epidemic of isolation that the U.S. Surgeon General has declared.
Linda talks about her roots in family businesses, the road to starting Dulye & Co., revitalizing the Berkshires with next gen leaders through the Dulye Leadership Experience, and becoming the 33rd recipient of the prestigious Girls Inc. of the Berkshires’ She Knows Where She’s Going Award.
Revv up your conversation vibe. Listen. Watch. Click here.