Since 1998, Dulye & Co. has designed and delivered innovative solutions for the workplace challenges of leading companies and organizations representing a multitude of industries, sizes and cultures. Our client roster includes:
General Dynamics
Lockheed Martin
Rolls Royce
Cardinal Health
Thermo Fisher
Scott Fire & Safety
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
DRS Technologies
US Federal Reserve
Progress Energy
Library of Congress
Dallas Airport

Syracuse University
Rogers High Fidelity
Dunkin Donuts
Chrysler Financial
Guardian Insurance
Quest Diagnostics
The World Bank
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Ingersoll Rand
"It is not surprising that five of the 40 Under Forty honorees are Dulye Leadership Experience alum. Linda Dulye is a tireless cheerleader for and mentor of millennials, helping them develop leadership and interpersonal skills and nurturing great practices such as in-person conversations, inclusiveness and giving back to one's community. Those of us looking forward to retiring in a few years should be grateful for this unique woman who is grooming the next generation of leaders."
Liana Toscanini
Founder and Executive Director of the Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires"Our class of budding entrepreneurs is always inspired by Linda (Dulye)'s class on presentation skills. She creates such a positive, encouraging energy and helps them tell their story as effectively as possible. We are so lucky to have her as a teacher – 4 times now and counting."
Deborah Gallant
Executive Director, EforAll Berkshire County“Linda's ideas and attitude brought some light into the unknown future.”
Northwestern Publishing House“New and innovative ideas about how to deal with so many different dynamics and situations that we are facing.”
SMA Architects“Linda Dulye is a great, engaging speaker. I appreciate that she used her slides as talking points rather than recite the words as they are shown.”
Rivet Works, Inc.“I like the examples of how to overcome the obstacles presented with working remotely. There was language to express the feelings and an understanding that many were having shared experiences. Also, the confirmation that what worked in the physical workplace may not work remotely.”
TechSoft Systems"I loved Linda's presentation! Her energy made it engaging. She sounded passionate in what she was sharing with the audience. Linda Dulye was a burst of energy and had simple ideas that you could implement immediately. It was great to put her between two more content-heavy presentations. I thought the presentations were relevant and especially loved Linda's presentation. It definitely hit home.”
Basia Pokorny
Director of Marketing, GCG Financial, LLC“This has been a great experience working with Linda Dulye and Nicole Laureyns. The experience and ideas you brought to the table to help understand our root causes of the low Q12 survey were nothing short of exceptional. Not only did you help drive data collection, you also helped formulate an action plan to correct the deficiencies. My hats off to you all, we could not have done this without your help.”
Steve Payseur
Senior Engineering Manager, General Dynamics Mission Systems