Analysis To Action:
Critical People Data
Plus More
We strongly believe that measuring the impact of engagement, team communications, knowledge exchange and team-building experiences in an organization should be an operational constant rather than an occasional special event. The rate of change and swirl of challenges have made annual assessments obsolete. Feedback needs to be fresh, constant and genuine.
Dulye & Co. Spectator-Free™ Assessments deliver a combination of hard and qualitative data about the so-called “soft dynamics” of the workplace. Using seamless measurement strategies, we integrate feedback collection–via our secure, online platform–into All Hands, Team Meetings, Training and other existing organizational practices. No interruption PLUS just-in-time data capture.
Quantitative questions are supplemented with probing, open-ended questions to gain insight into employees’ observations, thoughts and perceptions. We peel the onion to reveal WHY employees feel:
- their opinions matter–or not
- their leaders are transparent–or not
- their work has purpose–or not
- their team culture is supportive–or not
- their career can grow–or not
- and more.
Our measurement reports won’t leave you in a data fog. We efficiently capture, assess and trend employee feedback. Critical data is intentionally packaged to be easy to read and understand. Unique to our measurement approach, we go beyond the numbers and provide a qualitative data report PLUS sharp analysis of all results PLUS a customized action plan for communicating and acting on the data–strategically and swiftly.
We call that Data Plus Plus. More meaningful and comprehensive information for leaders to make smarter decisions about the strategies that attract, retain and grow talent and shape culture.
Whether your organization or team numbers 10, 100 or 1,000-plus, Dulye & Co.’s Real-Time Measurement helps leaders learn MORE about their most important asset–PEOPLE.