Six of the 40 Under Forty Berkshires 2022 winners have something in common: They all are Dulye Leadership Experience (DLE) leaders.
Their selection reinforces the dividends of investing in rising leaders’ professional development – the mission of the DLE since its 2008 founding.
“If you want to grow and retain your organization’s next gen leaders, then make intentional investments in opportunities for them to broaden their skills, perspectives and connections,” explains DLE Founder and President Linda Dulye, whose Pittsfield-based management consultancy Dulye & Co. underwrites and manages the DLE, which offers memberships and programs at no charge.
The six DLE honorees are Auric Enchill, Marcus Coleman, Mike Dell’Aquila, Michelle Lopez, Kevin Pink and Ben O’Shaughnessy. They were selected for their contributions at work, in their communities and in volunteer organizations like the DLE.
Mike, Michelle and Ben are DLE Advisory Board members. Auric and Kevin have been active in DLE outreach and DLE retreats. Marcus is a former Advisory Board member. Kevin has facilitated team building exercises for DLE events using his trivia competition skills.
Since 2008, the Dulye Leadership Experience (DLE) has invested in the professional development of thousands of rising leaders worldwide. Critical skills and connections for career success are grown through year-round training, subsidized by DLE founder and entrepreneur Linda Dulye.
The DLE’s diverse, global network of ambitious professionals learn from and inspire each other to find their passions and maximize their impact in their respective communities. Linda is the president and founder of Dulye & Co. consultancy in Pittsfield, MA, originator of the Spectator-Free™ workplace fueled by engaged leaders and employees.