Dulye & Co. President Linda Dulye is leading a Crusade for Conversations to change how we think and act about our verbal expression with the goal of creating much needed human connections.
In the latest episode of the popular It’s About to Go Down! podcast, Linda engages hosts Marc Williams and Cathey Armillas in a spirited discussion of how to restore the vibrancy of conversations with simple actions that make a big impact. One action she advocates is to end the kids table at family gatherings. “It is polarizing on so many fronts,” says Linda, “and denies youngsters the experience of comfortably sharing their ideas with elders. Flash forward and the residual effect can be seen in the imposter syndrome which overcomes newcomers in the workforce.”
Linda advocates for starting conversation clubs at high schools, waiting in order lines at coffee shops, and creating ground rules for device-free family time. Her practical advice will help you shed the shyness and insecurities of starting conversations and making them fun and interesting.
Listen here to revive your skills and confidence in 60 minutes.
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